A Mother's Journal

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Discovery Green on Mar. 13, 2010

On Saturday, March 13, 2010, I took Jadon to Discovery Green to try out the Zumbatomic: Zumba workout for children ages 4 - 12. It's a fast-forward fusion of the Zumba program moves (salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, hip-hop and more).

Here is Jadon with the Zumba instructors. He had such a great time, he jumped up on the stage to give them a hug and thank them.  They agreed to take a picture with them for the blog.
Every Saturday @ 11:30am - 12:00pm http://www.discoverygreen.com/  


After Zumbatomic, I let Jadon play on the playground for a few minutes while I learned how to finger knit.  As we began walking back to the car, we saw that a St. Patrick Day Parade was in progress, so we stopped on the curb and enjoyed about 30 mins of it.

(Jadon high-fives clown)

(Peacock car won our vote for best Art Car)

(Thanks Bubbles Car Wash for the coupon to receive a free $8 car wash. I simply said, "Oh I need to get my car washed today and a young lady walked up to me and handed me a key chain with a free wash. Perfect timing! Now I have unlimited car washes and vacuum for $19.95mo.)
After lunch and a car wash, we headed out to Jessie Jones Nature Park. The pictures are still on my digital camera.  Will upload a few later when I download them.


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