A Mother's Journal

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Winterland of Gingerbread

Today Jadon and I attended a POD field trip to Main Event for the Winterland of Gingerbread hosted by TXVA. Once we arrived and signed in, we were given a wristband to play as much bowling as we like:
 The place was pretty empty when we first arrived, but it quickly filled up.  Jadon found a couple of kids to play bowling with us. He was having a blast! 

After bowling a few rounds, we took a break to vote on the best gingerbread house and take a few pictures in front of the giant gingerbread. Doesn't he look like a little politician?

Next we sat down to eat some pizza. It cost about $13 for two personal size pizza's and 1 drink.  I just love these pictures of Jadon. He is such a gentleman:

And then he is himself. . .SILLY!!!!!!

After eating we played about 2 more rounds of bowling. You can see that the place was starting to fill up with other home-school families. These events are wonderful!!!

The score was tied 3 ways by 53. 

And here, Jadon wins the game!!
After bowling, we went to the arcade section and played $6 worth of games it came out to about 4 1/2 games.  It is NOTHING like Chuck E. Cheese's were every game cost a quarter.  

Happy Holiday's Texas Virtual Academy.
See you next year!!!!

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