A Mother's Journal

Sunday, February 28, 2010

State Capitol Building: Austin, TX

Today was a lovely day.  So lovely, we decided to take a spontaneous trip to Austin, TX.  Neither Jadon nor I have ever been to Austin.  We left so suddenly that we forgot to bring the camera but I happen to get this shot on my cell phone.

We took a tour of the Capitol Building at 2:00pm.  The tour took about 45mins.  We didn't see much because most of the time we were standing in one place listening to a history lesson.  By the time the tour was over, we were all hungry so we left to get something to eat with every intention of returning to tour the rest of the building and the visitor center but by the time we decided on a place and ate, it was already 5:00pm.  We drove around to see some of Reuben's old stomping grounds but after that we drove back home. 

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Jadon's 7th Birthday!

Jadon recently had a birthday. My first thought was to give him a party at his community center with all his peers but didn't plan that out in time.  Basically it slipped my mind until the last minute.  So I decided that I would purchase a cookie cake and a few balloons and he can have a little birthday recognition with his Kajukenbo buddies.  Well this was around the time his class moved to a different location and they had to lay down flooring so that plan feel through. 

That was not a big deal because we try to raise Jadon to be appreciative of whatever he has.  We put the cookie cake on the table with candles, tied up a few balloons, called Jadon in the kitchen and sang Happy birthday.  He was just as surprised. We asked him what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to go to Luby's so he can choose whatever he wanted to eat.  Now that is what I call an easy kid. 

Why I am starting this blog

I decided to start this online journal for my son, Jadon Reumel Harris, because I would have liked a journal kept on me from my childhood where I can look back at the accomplishements and victories in my life. I realize there are a lot of things I have forgotten. However, I tend to remember all the pitfalls and grief.

I want to keep a log for Jadon because there is no telling what he can do with it when he becomes an adult. Perhaps he can write a biography, make a movie, write a novel, or reflect back with his children and grandchildren. Maybe he will not care one bit about reading the journal.

You may be wondering why I am not writing a journal about my life. It seems so much easier to start at the beginning of a life and document its growth. Until my son turns 18, his father and I will be the main influence in his life. So when I talk about his life, I talk about mine. If that makes any sense at all.

With that said, I present to you now, Jadon R. Harris: A Mother's Journal.
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